Fekete Zaj

Fesztivál infók

Összegyűjtöttük a legfontosabb információkat számotokra, hogy könnyebben eligazodj a fesztiválra készülve és a fesztivál területén is. Ha itt nem találod a választ a kérdésedre, írj nekünk az info@feketezaj.hu címre vagy küldj üzenetet Facebook oldalunkra!


Gyakori kérdések

Where can I find the lineup?

The list of musical performers can be found here, and for a detailed overview of the OFF-programmes click here .

Does a minor need a ticket to the festival?

A Zajra 12 éves korig ingyenes a belépés (ebbe beletartoznak a 12 évesek is). A 14 éven aluliak csak a törvényes képviselőjük kíséretében léphetnek be és tartózkodhatnak a fesztiválon – a kísérő részére jegy váltása kötelező.

Mit tehetek a belépőjegyemmel, sátorjegyemmel, szállásjegyemmel, ha mégsem tudok elmenni a fesztiválra?

We are very sorry if this is the case. If you can't find anyone to give it to, we advise you to upload it to the website of our secondary ticketing partner, ticketswap.hu . This is a safe platform through which your customer can count on getting their ticket and you your money.
To ensure safe entry and to guard your wallet, we advise everyone against using VIAGOGO to purchase tickets to Fekete Zaj!

What am I not allowed to bring to the festival?

It is prohibited to bring any glass or sharp objects, hitting- and cutting tools, or any items that may threaten the physical well-being of others within festival grounds. Please be advised that pointy, metal-coated umbrellas, hammers, rubber mallets and gas cylinder heaters are also not allowed. You may not bring any alcohol or soft drinks with you. You can bring one batch of unopened mineral water in bottles of maximum 2 liters per person, as well as food for your own consumtion, not reaching commercial quantities. Products like this need to be shown to security upon entry.

Can I take pictures at the festival?

Yes, you are of course welcome to take pictures (and we thank you in advance for tagging us afterwards 😊 ). The use of drones to take videos or photographs in and around the festival area is only allowed with the prior permission of the organisers, in compliance with all applicable legal regulations and without endangering the safety of the participants. The person recording must have the time and method of recording approved by the organisers prior to each recording.

Audio and video recording will be made during the event. All participants who appear on the recordings may be named only with their consent, but may not make any claim against the recorders or the organisers.

Hogyan juthatok le a fesztiválra?

Click here for all the information about transport.

Where do I go to find lost items?

Please deposit any items found at the Information Desk. It is here that you can look for your lost items.

Milyen étkezési lehetőségek vannak a fesztiválon?

Ételek terén idén a Borracho – Szeged, a Wömbät, a Hintaló Iszoda és a Drip.pizza vár titeket, ahol vega, vegán opciókat is választhattok, a Borracho-nál pedig gluténmentes ételeket is találtok.

Is there an internet connection at the festival?

The camping's own Wi-Fi network is available for guests of the camping. Apart from that, network coverage has improved significantly over the past couple of years, so you can rely on your mobile data service.

When can I check-in to the accomodation?

For all types of accomodation except the Gyöngyös Student Hotel, you have to first get your festival wristband at the festival before checking in. The student hotel is available for check-in from noon each day. Here, you don't need your festival wristband in order to check in.

Are pets allowed on festival grounds?

Yes, all four-legged family members are welcome.

What time to I need to leave the festival grounds?

Daily tickets are valid from 12.00 pm until 10.00 am the next day. Daily ticket holders have access to the same rights and services as pass holders thoughout the validity of the ticket.

4 napos bérlettel a látogató a rendezvény kezdetétől, 2023. augusztus 16. 12:00 órától a rendezvény végéig, azaz 2023. augusztus 20. 10:00 óráig tartózkodhat a fesztivál helyszínén.

Hogyan fizethetek a fesztiválon?

A fesztiválon készpénzmentes (cashless) rendszerben, a karszalagra erősített chipkártyával lehetséges a fizetés. Erről a megoldásról, és a feltöltési lehetőségekről ezen az oldalon olvashatsz bővebben. A merch pultban is a karszalagoddal fizethetsz.

Where can I park?

You have the following parking options around and near the festival:

  • a fesztivál területeként szolgáló Mátra Kempingbe behajtási engedélyek kerültek értékesítésre, amelyek már elfogytak
  • a Mátra kemping előtti parkolóban és az az Oxygen Kalandparknál szeretnétek parkolni, HERE to buy a ticket
  • az erdőben, a fesztiválterülettől pár száz méterre északnak továbbhaladva kb. 50-60 ingyenes parkoló érhető el

The number of parking spaces is very limited. We suggest therefore to opt for public transport and car sharing services if you can.

Only vehicles with a valid permit are allowed to enter the festival grounds. Entrance is prohibited for any vehicle without a permit. Parking or stopping in front of the festival entrance is not allowed.

Can I light a fire on festival grounds?

Lighting fires on festival grounds is strictly prohibited!

Többen alszunk egy sátorban. Hány sátorjegyet kell vennünk?

All festival goers sleeping in a tent need to have a valid camping ticket. No matter how many of you are sleeping in a single tent, each of you needs to purchase a camping ticket.

Are there any storage and charging services?

Yes! At the Information Desk situated about 10 metres from the festival entrance on the right hand side, you can use our storage and (phone)-charging services free of charge. The service is available 0-24 throughout the duration of the festival.

Mi történik, ha elvesztettem a karszalagom?

Losing your wristband is the same as losing your wallet or ticket, so please make sure it is secured around your wrist. In case it gets lost or stolen despite your precautions, you can request a new one at the Information Desk. You will be requested to show your ticket and/or adequate means of identification. However, any amount left on the original wristband will be lost.

Where do I find First Aid services?

In the conference room, next to the Staff Office.

What happens if the weather is bad?

The festival will be held even if the weather conditions are bad, no rain-check! Please take care of yourselves and each other.

Can I purchase tickets for the Gyöngyös shuttle service even if I don't reside at the Gyöngyös Student Hotel?

No, only guests of the hotel can use this service.

Can I get my money back if a concert is canceled?

The organisers reserve the right to change the programme. The entrance fee cannot be reclaimed. The organisers cannot be held responsible for any changes due accidents or mistakes of the performers.
